High-quality and timely analysis of global oil and gas markets

How can OMT-Сonsult could be helpful to you?

OMT-Consult is a leader in the field of analytical information, providing high quality data collected, systematized, and deeply analyzed by our experts. Our successful analytical services have covered a wide range of industries for over 20 years. We are recognized as experts in the following areas:


Bituminous materials
The market covers bitumen production, consumption, import, export, transportation and prices
Motor fuel
Comprehensive analysis of the motor fuel market: production and consumption volumes, logistics, prices at petrol stations and wholesalers.
Liquefied petroleum gas
A market comprising the production, processing, export, import and consumption of gas such as propane, butane, isobutane and others.
We offer detailed reports and analysis including production, consumption, exports, imports, prices.
Prices, logistics, production, import/export and consumption analysis, including base oil volume, PVL/CVL/IND segmentation and APL classification.

About us

Ready data and customized research

More than 20 years

We are trusted by more than 1000+ companies

Top industry analysts
Wide network of information sources
Prompt data providing
Access to our reports in a few hours from your request, data transfer via API in real time regime
We are currently active in the Russian and CIS markets, but we also plan to expand our our activities worldwide.
Many companies trust us for many years. We are proud of growing a number of our partners and appreciate their trust.
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